According to local officials, the eruption on Monday had sent fiery lava & rocks into the surrounding villages, about 4km from the crater, burning and damaging the residents houses. This caused them to raise the status of the volcano to the highest alert level, warning locals to clear at least a 7km radius from the crater. The local officials had started evacuating residents to other villages located 20km from the crater of the volcano.
This fresh volcanic eruption today, has spread fear & panic among the local residents & tourists already traumatised by explosions that had reportedly killed at least ten people on Monday. The authorities in Indonesia had reported seven eruptions on Thursday, with the most powerful ejecting a giant column of ash to about 8000 m into the air. They had imposed a 7km radius exclusion zone around the volcano on the island of Flores.
According to various sources, there are more than 10,000 people living in temperory shelters. The authorities have given warnings of potential flash floods and cold lava flows in the coming days. The local government has declared a state of emergency for the next 58 days. Hundreds of people have already left their homes and have been sheltered in schools and other buildings. The central government has said it intends to move 16,000 people out of the danger zone.
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