The e-book "Business Blogs - The Best Social Media Tool For Businesses" authored by Varinder Taprial and Priya Kanwar has been published by and is now available on the site for Free Download. This book discusses the scope of blogs and how they can be used effectively as an important business tool by adding value to any business in terms of branding, credibility, achieving goals for the business or company, driving targeted traffic to generate inbound leads and getting conversions in a very cheap and effective manner.
Read the blog "Ingredients for an unforgettable blog post" by to know more about what this book has to offer. "Nowadays almost everybody – regardless of whether for a business or private purpose – is running or using a blog. This is because blog posts give you the opportunity to promote yourself, get linked, share experiences, build relationships and much more. But what exactly makes a blog post a fantastic blog post? Let us take a look at some general ingredients for a great blog post." The article is an excerpt from the book..
Read the blog "Ingredients for an unforgettable blog post" by to know more about what this book has to offer. "Nowadays almost everybody – regardless of whether for a business or private purpose – is running or using a blog. This is because blog posts give you the opportunity to promote yourself, get linked, share experiences, build relationships and much more. But what exactly makes a blog post a fantastic blog post? Let us take a look at some general ingredients for a great blog post." The article is an excerpt from the book..
Business Blogs - The Best Social Media Tool For Businesses
© 2011 Varinder Taprial, Priya Kanwar & Ventus Publishing ApS
ISBN: 978-87-7681-944-6

The Power of Blogs
In the early days, the blogs were nothing but a form of a personal diary or journal that was easy to maintain and log daily. This was made possible due to the fact that the blogging platforms were freely available with free hosting and domain facilities, creating a blog was easy, and did not require any special technical skill or knowledge to post content. Therefore, anyone could open as many blogs as they wished, using the free templates provided, and maintain them very easily. It was a breeze to post content of any kind without too many hassles.
As the Internet evolved, so did the blog; making it a very powerful medium through which you could get your voice heard. Any individual could express strong opinions, suggestions and even provide useful up-to-date information through blogs. Even more attractive feature of a blog was the fact that one could interact directly with its readers in the form of comments that could be posted below the posts.
Blogs were an easy way to target specific audiences and also could be optimized, by virtue of the content posted, for it to be found on search engines. Another advantage of the blogs was that it was a comprehensive service, which offered a variety of tools and gadgets that made it versatile and user friendly.
Obviously, it did not take long for businesses to appreciate the full potential of a blog in attracting customers to its site and also providing a great platform to communicate with them directly. Some of the big business companies like Google realised this power, importance and effectiveness of the blog and incorporated it into their business strategy very effectively. These companies have shown how a blog can be used for different purposes like marketing, educating, community building, public relations, customer feedback and announcements etc.
Thus evolved the strategy of blogging for business, or using blogs effectively as a business tool. If the company website is thought of as a “store front” then the blog can be thought of as the “salesperson, customer care, evangelist and a public relations officer” all rolled into one. Why wouldn’t anyone want that? Statistics show that the businesses that have blogs as an integral part of their social media strategy have shown more sales growth than the businesses that use social media without blogs.
In this book, it shall be our endeavor to discuss why blogs are an important business tool and how blogs can add value to any business in terms of branding, credibility, achieving goals for the business or company, driving targeted traffic to generate inbound leads and getting conversions in a very cheap and effective manner. We will also discuss the tools, which can help in measuring the performance of the blog and analyzing the information effectively.