It is exactly a week ago that Mumbai was attacked by terrorists and held to ransom for three whole days. The people all over the country watched helplessly as the events unfolded live on the television news channels. The whole country was witness to the utter confusion and chaos that followed the terrorists attacks.
The people watched the Mumbai police trying to get a hold of the situation, but failing as they too ran for cover in the wake of the bullets being sprayed at random by the two terrorists. There were but a few brave men among many that made a difference in apprehending the culprits and managing to take one of them alive.
People of India watched in shock and horror as the carnage and massacre continued for three long days and many innocent people lost their lives. Among those killed were rich, poor, middle class, Hindus, Muslims (in fact majority were Muslims), men, women, children and foreigners of different nationalities too! So what was the agenda here? Why had the terrorists done this? It made no sense to anyone. There were no demands coming from them either.
To top all this, the people of India also watched and noticed the lack of presence of the politicians in the whole scenario. Where were they? Why were they not taking any action? Why did it take 10 hrs for the NSG Commandos to reach Mumbai?
For the first time in India, thanks to the media coverage, the whole nation watched all the three forces in joint combat operation to smoke out the terrorists. For the first time the citizens of India have woken up to the fact that it is always the armed forces that come to their rescue from any kind of situation it may be. They all witnessed the confidence and the bravery of these men as they went about their task in a determined manner.
The positive thing that has come out of all this is that the people of India have woken up and are finally not afraid to say, "Enough is Enough". They have suffered enough at the hands of these ruthless, insensitive and highly corrupt politicians and now want a change. For once the whole nation has seen the true face of our politicians.

Today, we see the change. What started as a small procession of about 10 people with candles out in the streets of Mumbai to express their grief for those who lost their lives in these terror attacks, turned into a huge rally today. Today, thousands of people gathered at the Gateway of India with candles and slogans of "Vande Mataram" and posters expressing their solidarity and their anger at the inaction of the Government. The Times Now news channel took their views live on television where they expressed themselves about the change that they were looking for in the country and Government.

Hundreds of people also came out on the streets in Delhi to express their sentiments against the inaction of the Government. It is quite evident that the people are really angry this time and this will not die down soon. It promises to slowly engulf the other parts of the country too.
Is this a revolution of sorts? I certainly hope so. It is high time that we took matters into our own hands and shaped the future of our country the way it should be. We need to remind this Government the true meaning of "Democracy". Of the people, By the People, For the People.
I see hope ahead. The youth and the educated masses have been stirred from their state of sleep into wakefulness. I hope that this becomes a turning point in the history of India and its future. Are we finally united? Only time will tell. If you want to be a part of this movement then come and join these people, or start a march in your own state or city and show your unity. Show that you care. Show that you are angry. Show that you want a change. Its Now or Never!
"Enough is Enough". Politicians are you listening?
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